Monday, April 26, 2010


I am so bored looking at fashion which is uninspiring.........
I am so bored of the duplicitous standards of magazines who constantly and proudly tout product from every mass producing country.........yet scream patriotism and vow to the new South Africa their fashion allegiance
I am so bored of mediocre reportage on fashion
I am so bored of fashion weeks and their boring offering................leave alone agendas more hidden then a nun's slip
I am so bored of fashion councils and dull dreary disconnected council members.........who would do better as hair splitters and who writhe in ecstasy in seeing their titles printed on paper..........
I am so bored of the government officials who think by adding their meaningless two cents it will some how entitle them to a few seconds of feeling fabulously fashionable.......Lord save us all from their twisted machinations and visions of being Messiahs to the industry........go learn to sew a button on first!
I am so bored of designers who design badly and who believe their own hype............and fondly proclaim the name of Jesus, Swarovski and cheap satin as their saviours.....
I am so bored of editors talking about the shows in Paris or Milan when they stood outside or sat in the rafters to watch a show that they did not even have backstage access to........nor understand the collection or the art of making it..........
I am so bored of watching young minds being taught by frustrated designers........who think its better to sell hope to these souls instead of being honest or at the very least have the decency to show them the way...........
I am bored of fragile egos...........insecure twats and petty gossip mongers..........
I am bored of 'celebs' trying to score dresses yet proclaim to the unsuspecting their great fashion sense..........
Oh and I am bored of fake bags, fake jewels and fake labels...........

Do I simply brush it away and pretend it does not exist...........or do I become a goldfish with memories that last a nanosecond.........

Hell no I think I will write about it or start a riot.....................

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